Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
March 13, 2008 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2008
- Richard Connolly
- Ed Dyer
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Jim MacLennan
- Bill Matheson
- Kent Murray
- Mary Rigby
- Alan Turner
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 6.35 pm.
Minutes for the February meeting were approved as
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan Turner presented the financial report. The revenue
for February $7466 and expenditures for the month
were $8946. The revenue was below that for February
2007, which was $8084, and substantially less than the
preceding month of January, which was $10807. The
expenses were substantially higher that those for
February 2007 which were $5294 as well as those
for January which were $6962. Alan questioned the
apparent differences he sometimes noted when
comparing the figures he recorded and those in the
online bank record. He and Andrew agreed to review
the process for posting transactions at a meeting in the
office at 5:00 pm Monday. Alan moved his report be
approved, seconded by Kent Murray, passed.
Technical Report
Ed Dyer noted upgrades in the system allowed Chebucto to
hold the recent increase of spam at bay, then asked
Johnathan to review the the status of the wifi project.
Johnathan noted a wifi demonstration would be feasible
at Spencer House for the Annual General Meeting, and that a few users
might be on the system operating before that date.
Andrew noted that he will relook at an offer to host
advertisements through Google. Victoria BC freenet
receives $200 a month by hosting this service.
Activities Emanating from Special March 6 Meeting
Bernie presented a draft of the letter to be emailed
to all members, requesting nominations to the Board to
be elected at the 2008 Annual General Meeting to be held at Spencer
House, the evening of Wednesday April 23, 2008.
Bernie gave members copies of a short letter he would
like to send to the city Councillors Uteck and Sloane, who
represent the area of the city where wifi would be initially
available. Bernie noted that it might be possible to obtain
funds from HRM to celebrate the presence of wifi in the
southend. It might be feasible as sort of a Block Party.
This type of function has received such funds.
Marilyn has almost completed the form to be submitted
to the provincial government grant through the Positive
Ageing Fund. She will mail a completed copy, but will also
hand deliver one to the appropriate office on Monday,
March 17.
The staff in the seven seniors centres in HRM have all said
they would put up a poster in the centres and/or put a
CCN announcement in their newsletters. Material will
be mailed to them early next week.
There has not been much luck with the Mousepad with regards
to its inclusion in the Daily News community weekly papers.
A copy written for the 24th of February issues appeared in the
paper focused on Bedford and Hammonds Plains just recently.
Other area papers have not carried it at all.
Resource Recovery Fund Board
A meeting of the Board in scheduled for Friday April 4 from noon
to 3:00pm at NSCC campus on Morris Street. Bill is not able to
attend, but will ask if an alternate would
be acceptable. If so Mary may attend.
Other business
Richard mentioned that people of all ages seem to take
advantage of internet services provided in malls and
street corner booths in both Ireland and Australia. He
wonders if development of such a service might work
The question of returning Andrew to a full time salary
situation was deferred until the next meeting.
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for
April 10, 6:30pm, Chase Building.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.