The CCN, its Chebucto Suite software and some of its Information Provider websites have all garnered many awards. The CCN has also undertaken major projects such as the creation of RĂ©seau communautaire Chebucto, our French-language version, as well as playing host to the 1997 Telecommunities Canada conference.
Read about some of our success stories or look at a quick snapshot of what the CCN does!
The force behind CCN is the Chebucto Community Net Society. The Society and its Committees are directed by a Board of Directors.
Much of the work of the CCN is done by volunteers. For their time, volunteers are rewarded with a rich learning experience and the satisfaction of knowing they are making a valuable contribution to their community. Memberships and donations are also essential to the continuing operation of the CCN.
If you have not yet done so, you should register and obtain your own account to make full use of our facilities and resources.
Are you perhaps interested in becoming an Information Provider? Let us tell you about some of benefits of the Chebucto Community Net.
If you have accessed the CCN through the Internet, you can Telnet to access your Chebucto Account. If you do not have one, you can login as guest and obtain one.
Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome!
Our address is:
Chebucto Community Net
c/o Dept. Math, Statistics and Computing Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 3J5
(902) 494-2449